The Idonea Venus Fly Trap is the source of inspiration for the brand. This unique plant possesses the ability to consume living creatures. She was born as a plant, the last in the food chain. However, somehow, somewhere during evolution, it decided to start feeding on insects, bypassing millions of years of natural progression. This plant embodies the essence of leaping steps, defying the natural order and challenging the place the universe has assigned to you. In a fast-paced world, Karnivora embodies the spirit of those born last in the food chain, yet have somehow forged their path to the summit. With that said, we try to capture the raw and undefined edge of the people that grew without specific rules, out of the luxury, that found themselves in that world all by themselves, but didn’t adapt to the upper echelon norms of use.


Information reigns supreme in the universe; it is for this very reason that we have anchored our brand to the concept of knowledge. Instead of placing monetary value, we prioritize connections. This fundamental principle has driven us to embody this concept in the most substantial manner, which is precisely why we have established part of the brand as invitation-only.

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